Kings of Arcadia (Video)

 The video below is my effort to make Pausanias' list easier to follow and memorise, through visualisation.

Arkadian kings - Video time stamps
Pelasgos rises from 'the Black Earth'

1. Pelasgos [00:07-01:35], 2. Lykaon [01:37-02:22], 3. Nyktimos [02:24-03:25], 4. Arkas [03:27-04:31], 5. Azan [05:10-05:19], 6. Kleitor [05:21-05:28], 7. Aipytos [05:33-05:45], 8. Aleos [05:51-06:20], 9. Lykourgos [06:22-06:50], 10. Echemos [06:55-07:17], 11. Agapenor [07:20-08:25], 12. Ippothous [08:26-08:37], 13. Aipytos [08:40-09:09], 14. Kypselos [09:10-09:34], 15. Olaias [09:37-09:58], 16. Boukolion [10:01-10:05], 17. Phialos [10:07-10:21], 18. Simos [10:23-10:43], 19. Pompos [10:45-11:09], 20. Aiginitis [11:11-11:19], 21. Polymistor [11:21-11:35], 22. Aichims [11:38-11:52], 23. Aristocratis [11:53-12:13], 24. Iketas [12:14-12:17], 25. Aristokratis [12:18-12:44]

Narration of the video in Greek, with English and Greek subtitle option.

All images ©️ 2020

Find more regarding the historical context of the video here.

Η λίστα των βασιλιάδων της Αρκαδίας σύμφωνα με τον Παυσανία | The list of kings of Arcadia according to Pausanias from Arkadian Tales on Vimeo.